Email Marketing

7 examples of Successful Email Marketing campaigns

By MDirector

the 11 of June of 2015

the 11/06/2015

5 mins
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Artículo actualizado hace 10 months por NewsMDirector

Examples of successful email marketing campaigns

It’s a little complicated to know for sure if specific Email Marketing campaigns have been successful or not as the data is very rarely published.

However, we can learn from the businesses that use this channel regularly. By Keeping track of these types of campaigns and analysing the steps over a period of time we can begin to draw some conclusions about what makes some Email Marketing campaigns successful, which were sent thanks to professional email marketing software, and learn from them.

Below we are going to look at and analyse 7 specific Email Marketing campaigns that are worth paying attention to:

1.- Buzzfeed

Buzzfeed is a newcomer to the digital publishing industry that makes the capturing of users through the sharing of content an absolute science. In fact they are particularly famous for their eye-catching headlines.

With respect to Email marketing Buzzfeed is unique in its intense use of segmentation. Therefore you can subscribe to a number of newsletters covering a wide variety of topics such as food, politics, DIY, celebrities or if you just want to keep up to date with the latest daily news.

Segmenting Buzzfeed newsletters

Another great feature of Buzzfeed is that it lets you know how many messages you are going to receive and on what days you are going to receive them, thus ensuring that the customer is always kept fully informed at all times.

Buzzfeed campaign information

Buzzfeed emails are visually stunning, concise and, by exploiting their know-how with a few eye-catching headlines they are able to fulfil their main campaign objective which is to attract traffic to its website where the user can continue reading the articles.

Examples of successful email marketing campaigns: Buzzfeed

2.- Lastminute

Email is the number one channel for a large number of businesses known as Coupon companies; they are dedicated to obtaining goods and services for customers at very low prices in exchange for coupons.

A good example of these kinds of companies is Lastminute which sends regular newsletters to it`s subscribers showing the latest offers of the day. Periodicity is an essential part to this strategy because it helps to maintain the customers’ interest, as they know they will receive new offers on a daily basis.

This type of email campaign is usually simple and straightforward, with the emails consisting of just a headline, an image and a brief text explaining the offer in order to get the conversions.

In addition, each offer contains the Recommended Retail Price (RRP) and the sale price, which highlights the savings that can be made as well as the most important elements the CTA button. The button is usually a different colour from the text so it stands out and with a text that entices you to press it such as “Tonight from 8.30pm”

Examples of successful email marketing campaigns: Lastminute
3.- Nasty Gal

One of the main characteristics of successful email marketing campaigns is that they know how to align themselves the right way with other digital channels, something that the Nasty Gal newsletter does very well. Furthermore it makes constant references to the ever-changing times in which we live, launching a multitude of initiatives and competitions that are managed over different digital channels.

The Instagram competition shown in the example demonstrates this characteristic well.

Examples of successful email marketing campaigns: Nasty Gal

4.- Uncommon Goods

A great email-marketing campaign must be supported through social proofs, that means using those metrics that indicate whether a customer has already read or bought what is shown and this in turn helps us make more informed decisions.

A good example is this Uncommon Goods email which focuses on using customer testimonials in order to guarantee the success of the campaign on specific dates: Mothers Day

Successful Email Marketing campaigns take advantage of the fact that 8 out of every 10 buying decisions are influenced by customer-generated content, in many cases, by complete strangers who simply have similar interests in common.

Examples of successful email marketing campaigns: Uncommon Goods

5.- Twitter

Continuing with the concept of social proofs, the most important and successful social networks already understand its importance and are creating email-marketing campaigns that simply document what other customers, who we follow on that network, are doing.

One example of this technique is used by Twitter who send emails about “What´s going on, on Twitter” or “ Popular on your Network” in order to get more engagement and generate more traffic from it´s users.

Examples of successful email marketing campaigns: Twitter

6.- Warby Parker

Successful Email marketing campaigns don’t necessarily always have to be about capturing or converting sales. In fact, one type of campaign that requires very little work but can be highly profitable involves contacting previous customers who haven’t interacted with your brand for a while.

This Warby Parker example not only exploits this aspect but also perfectly connects the online world with the physical one at the foot of the message.

Examples of successful email marketing campaigns: Warby Parker

7.- El Viajero Fisgón

We couldn’t end this post without using an example of our own. One type of email marketing campaign that works very well is the one that focuses on showing a wide range of products and prices.

There are many sectors where this type of message works well and one of those is the travel industry. Take a look at the example of one of our partners El Viajero Fisgón; they use a simple message containing a list of available trips, each with a highlighted image of the destination and the price, which is enough to attract customers.
In addition, the “Find it here” CTA button located at the bottom of the ad highlights the main objective of the newsletter, which is to capture leads.

ejemplos de campañas exitosas de email marketing: El viajero fisgón

Now you see that successful email marketing campaigns don’t have to be complicated, you simply have to make sure you know exactly what you want them to achieve as well as keeping them constant and up to date so that the users will be able to let you know what you are doing right or what you have to change if things are going wrong.

Do you want to start sending effective mass email messages right now? It only takes 3 minutes to sign up to MDirector.

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